Speciality Dentist, conservative dentistry and dentures
Degree Semmelweis University

Dr. Alexandra Czigola

Dentist, conservative dentistry and dentures

I graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Semmelweis University in Budapest in 2015, where I completed my residency training for the next 3 years. In 2018, I obtained an exam in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthetics with excellent results. Since 2016, I am continuing my PHD studies at the Dental Clinic.

As a student, I was interested in aesthetic dentistry and prosthodontics and wrote my thesis from ceramic dentures. Additionally digital dentistry is close to my heart, which is the subject of my doctoral research. After completing my professional qualification, I remained as a specialist at the Dental Clinic, where I participate in English, German and Hungarian teaching, both in lectures and in practice. Since 2015, I have been an active member of the Digital Dental Group at the Dental Clinic, enabling me to be an integral member of the digital community and to be a participant and speaker at domestic and international conferences.

Using my scientific research experience in practice, I consider that is it important to use advanced dental materials and innovative digital technology in my work.



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